Conducting an annual 401(k) audit is crucial for the majority of large and mid-sized companies. While not every business is required to perform an annual audit, the United States government has...
retirement plan audit
4 Things To Look For When Selecting A 401k Auditor
If your business has a 401(k) plan with 100 or more account balances at the beginning of a plan year, you are required to perform a 401(k) audit. The audit report must be finished and filed with the...
Correcting Eligible Compensation Errors in Your 401k Plan
In 2023, PriceKubecka performed over 400 401(k) audits. And when it comes to plan errors, we’ve seen it all! After late deposits, the most common error we saw was eligible compensation exclusions or...
It’s time for small businesses to file BOI reports. Here’s what you need to know.
As of January 1, 2024, tens of millions of small businesses, private companies, and other entities must comply with the Corporate Transparency Act by filing information about their beneficial owners...
Common 401k Plan Errors and how to Avoid Them – Late Deposits
Hopefully, like us, you’ve had a few minutes to recover from last year’s October 15 401(k) audit deadline. Now it’s time to look back on how the audit process went for you. What went right or wrong?...
Charlie Holleman Named to PriceKubecka’s Corporate Assurance Leadership Team
National CPA and 401(k) audit firm PriceKubecka LLP, today announced that Charlie Holleman will join the organization, serving in a leadership role within the firm’s Corporate Assurance practice. In...
Netsuite vs Acumatica: A Comprehensive Insight
According to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representatives, approximately 30 million small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) operate in the United States. Although these organizations are in various...
IRS Announces Two-Year Delay for Roth Contribution Catch-Up Requirements
In a recent update, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has confirmed a two-year delay regarding the Roth contribution catch-up requirements. This provision was originally set to go in effect for...
Four Key Methods Cloud ERP Reduces Business Costs
In today's economic landscape, businesses grapple with workforce gaps, supply chain disruptions, and inflation. Consequently, many are hesitant about when to invest in a cloud ERP. While cutting...